Document preparation guide
Preparing documents for uploading
To register in the Persian Gulf student recruitment system, the following documents will be required.
Before starting the registration process, prepare your documents according to the following guide: (all images with jpg or jpeg format and maximum size of 100 KB)
1- Personal image (characteristics of personal photo)
2- Passport image (passport photo attributes)
3- Image of the last academic degree with minimum dimensions: height 600 pixels and length 800 pixels and a maximum size of 100 kilobytes (in jpg or jpeg format)
4- An image of the transcripts of the last academic year with minimum dimensions: height 600 pixels and length 800 pixels and a maximum size of 100 kilobytes (in jpg or jpeg format)
5- Other documents such as resume, letter of recommendation, certificate, ... with minimum dimensions: height 600 pixels and length 800 pixels and a maximum volume of 100 kilobytes (in jpg or jpeg format)
The writings of all documents must be legible. Otherwise, the request will be rejected.
6- Saorg tracking code (Guide to receiving Saorg tracking code)
Only Google Chrome browser should be used.
Standard format of personal image:
1- It should be colored. Black and white and monochrome photos may be rejected.
2- It should be in jpg or jpeg format.
3- Having a volume of less than 100 kilobytes.
4- Required width and height in terms of pixels: greater than or equal to: height 600 pixels, width 400 pixels
5- Be related to the last six months.
6- It should be of high quality.
7- It should not be too dark or too bright.
Standard passport image format:
1- It should be colored. Black and white and monochrome photos may be rejected.
2- It should be in jpg or jpeg format.
3- Having a volume of less than 100 kilobytes.
4- Required width and height in terms of pixels: greater than or equal to: height 600 pixels, width 800 pixels
5- Insert only the first page of the passport.
6- It should be horizontal so that it is parallel to the edges of the page
7- It should be of high quality.
8- It should not be too dark or too bright
9- Have clear writings. Any stain that distorts the text may cause the application to be rejected.
guide to get saorg code
Saurg code is one of the stages of applying for education in Iran for foreign students, which is to determine the student's status for not having an academic ban, and is issued and approved by the immigration police and the Ministry of Science for the desired university.
Important points:
* A separate code is issued for each educational level (bachelor's, master's, doctorate).
* Senior and PhD students, if they have completed the previous course in Iran, they must file their previous code to get a new code. For filing, refer to the consulate of the previous university.
To receive this code, prepare the following documents with a maximum size of 100 KB and a resolution of 200:
* Passport scan for residence or guarantor passport holders 600 x 800 pixels maximum 100 kb
* Scan of previous education documents (diploma, pre-university, bachelor's, master's degree) 600 x 800 pixels maximum 150 kb
* Personal photo scan 400 x 800 pixels maximum 100 kb
* To enter the system only with a personal computer, go to this address Pay attention to the explanations and warnings on this page.
Completing this system is very easy. Only tips are given for better completion.
* After uploading your passport, be sure to click the checked passport data button so that the identity fields can be edited for you.
* Complete the asterisked sections in the academic information section.
* On the next page, fill in the asterisked parts of the questionnaire form on the next page and enter the next page.
* In the next section, upload the required documents for the asterisked sections.
* Finally, you will be given a tracking code, and after 10 to 30 days, you can receive the backup code issued to you by entering the tracking code.
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