Guide to Apply in the Persian Gulf system

1- How to Apply in Persian Gulf system

To register an application in the Persian Gulf system, it is necessary to refer to the link below and fill out the registration form carefully and completely.
Incomplete forms or with incorrect information will not be reviewed.
If there is any ambiguity in the forms, refer to the frequently asked questions page. If this ambiguity is not resolved, contact the experts in the recruitment department.
Registration link in the Persian Gulf system

Form completion guide

Part I: Basic Information
In this section, you enter your identity information. This information includes the following:
1- SAORG Code- کدرهگیری سائورگ
2- First Name / نام
3- Last Name / نام خانوادگی
4- Email Address / ایمیل
(It will be your username in the system)
5- Password / گذرواژه
(It will be your password in the system)
6- Nationality / ملیت
All this information must be completed.

Part Two: Personal Information

Enter your page using the login option and click on the gear on the right. Click the edit profile option and complete your information.

In this section, you enter your personal information, which includes the following:
1- Birth Date / تاریخ تولد
(Enter the date of birth)
2- Place of Birth شهر محل تولد
3- Passport Number / شماره گذرنامه
(This number is located on the upper and right side of the first page of the passport and contains 9 characters)
4- Passport Expire Date / تاریخ انقضای گذرنامه
(Your passport must be valid for at least six months.)
5- Father's Name / نام پدر
6- Reference/ معرف
(the person who introduced Persian Gulf University to you or is your acquaintance at Persian Gulf University. If You got to know us through the site or social media, leave this field empty.)
7- Gender/ جنسیت
8- Marital Status / وضعیت تاهل
(if you select married option, number of children option will be activated for you. Please be sure to complete.)

Part III: Contact Info/ اطلاعات تماس

1- Phone Number / شماره تلفن
(Be sure to enter your country code with 00 and the number you enter must be connected to WhatsApp.)
2- Country/ کشور
(country of current residence)
3- State / استان، City / شهر، Zip Code / کدپستی، Street, Avenue, ... / ادامه آدرس

(This part of the address must be entered. If you do not have a zip code, leave it blank.)

Part IV: Academic Records/ سوابق تحصیلی
Enter your educational records in this section. It is possible to insert records for three sections. Inserting a previous section is mandatory.
1- Grade Level / مقطع
(Choose the last level of education you have completed among the options.)
2- Major / رشته تحصیلی
(The field of study related to the course you have chosen.)
3- Grade / معدل
(The grade for the section you have chosen. By entering the grade, the grading system will be revealed.)
4- Grading system / سیستم نمره دهی
(enter the full grade point average in your grading system here. Example: if your grade point average is calculated out of 20 is done, enter 20 in this section. If your GPA is calculated out of 4, enter 4 here.)

Part V: Study in PGU/ متقاضی تحصیل در
In this section, you select the information related to your application to study in your desired field at Persian Gulf University. Also, in this section, you will also choose your applied scholarship.
1- Scholarship/ بورسیه درخواستی
(Here you can choose one or more of the Persian Gulf scholarships. Note that the scholarships Choose based on your financial ability.)

Types of scholarships in the Persian Gulf:
A (first type): Covering tuition fees, accommodation and dining
B (second type): Covering tuition fees
C (Third Type): Covering 70% of tuition fees

View scholarships and fees

2- Grade Level / مقطع (PGU)
(Choose the Program you want. Note that the selected Program must be in accordance with your previous education be.)
3- First Choice / اولویت اول
(By choosing a program, the majors offered in that program will be revealed. According to your interest and the previous program, specify one of these majors as the first priority.)
4- Second Choice / اولویت دوم
(According to your interest and the previous program, specify one of these majors as the second priority.)
4- Third Choice / اولویت سوم
(According to your interest and the previous program, specify one of these majors as the third priority.)

Part VI: Uploading Documents / بارگذاری مدارک
In this very important section, you should submit your documents as in the section Preparing documents Upload is stated. Be sure to pay attention to the things mentioned in the document preparation guidance section.
If the system does not accept your image, be sure to check its size and volume. If the image is not uploaded despite the correct size and volume, refresh the page. If the problem persists, contact

After completing the information, click the Register button to register your information.
Once your information has been successfully registered, by visiting the page login , you can view your profile.